What is the pass mark for the NEBOSH General Certificate, and what else do I need to know?

If you are setting out on a career in health and safety, the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety is an excellent first step. However, anyone with responsibility for safe working environments and employee well being can also benefit from the course.
Studying the NEBOSH General Certificate provides an excellent grounding in health and safety and risk management at work, and is a sound foundation for more advanced study. It also meets the academic requirements for Technical membership (TechIOSH) of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and associate membership (AIIRSM) of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM).
What are the pass marks and how are they assessed?
Units NG1 is assessed by an open book, online written exam. Students access it online and have 24 hours once the paper is released to complete and submit it. To pass you need to get at least 45 marks on the exam, which means you need to achieve 50% to pass.
You only need to pass the NG2 exam, and your grade is entirely based on the NG1 exam. The grade boundaries are as follows:
Pass: 45-64 marks
Credit: 65-74 marks
Distinction: 75+ marks
How long is the course?
The NEBOSH National General Certificate is typically delivered over 10 days, split into two five-day blocks, plus half a day for the practical assessment and one full day for both written exams. In addition, candidates are expected to spend at least 49 hours on private study.
How is it taught?
As taught by the expert Phoenix team, the NEBOSH General Certificate course is a lively and carefully judged blend of classroom learning, practical exercises, group discussions and group activities
Do I qualify for the course?
It is strongly recommended that delegates starting the National General Certificate hold a formal qualification in Health and Safety such as the IOSH Managing Safely Certificate or the CIEH Level 3 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace. To complete the assessment, candidates require good standards of written and oral communication plus the ability to analyse information, seek advice and work well within a team. To sign up for the course or to get more information please visit our NEBOSH General Certificate page or give us a call and speak to a member of our expert team.