You Passed the NEBOSH General Certificate, what now?

With over 200,000 having passed the NEBOSH National General Certificate, it represents the industry standard for health and safety qualifications, being highly desired by employers looking to recruit for health and safety roles. However, many individuals who pass are aware that employers often seek candidates with additional qualifications. As such, many who pass the NEBOSH General Certificate ask- what should I study next?
What are the Options?
Choosing an Industry or Area to Specialise in
Following on from a NEBOSH General Certificate, there are two main choices available to individuals looking for career advancement through additional qualifications. The first is taking a health and safety course that specialises in a particular industry or area. By doing so, candidates can select a course based on a field in which they already work or aspire to work in, gaining knowledge and skills specific to it.
Taking a more Advanced Qualification
The other option for candidates is taking a degree-level course. These are larger commitments than the prior courses, however they yield a higher-level qualification which demonstrates health and safety expertise to current and future employers. They also provide a greater breadth of knowledge when compared to lower levels courses and can increase promotion prospects and earning potential. Furthermore, they can also contribute to achieving a higher membership level with IOSH, which comes with its own benefits.
Courses for Specialisation
The following NEBOSH courses each allow candidates to develop specialised knowledge, either in a particular area of health and safety or an industry. By specialising, candidates demonstrate their commitment to this field or industry, gaining key health and safety skills specific to it. This is a major boon, especially for those who have just recently acquired a role in an industry they are unfamiliar with. It is also beneficial for those looking to enter a specific industry, as it shows your interest, as well as your proven knowledge of the area to prospective employers.
NEBOSH Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
The NEBOSH Certificate in in Construction Health and Safety, offered both as a UK and International course, focuses on the key health and safety challenges involved in the construction industry.
The 9-day course provides the practical skills and knowledge needed to assess workplace risks, facilitating specialisation in the construction industry by teaching best practice. As such, it is an ideal qualification for those who currently or aspire to work in the construction industry. Employers seeking health and safety specialists for construction sites will find this qualification especially beneficial, as qualified candidates will know how to effectively keep workplaces in line with the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations.
NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety
For those who wish to specialise in Fire Safety, whether due to personal interest or because they operate in a workplace with a significant fire risk, NEBOSH offers the Certificate in Fire Safety. The international course teaches candidates how to effectively identify and manage fire risks in the workplace, as well as what to do in the event of a fire to minimise safety risk.
This 4-day qualification is beneficial regardless of the industry an organisation operates in, as having a staff member with the Certificate in Fire Safety allows an organisation to meet legal fire safety requirements more effectively. As a result, it is a fantastic qualification to possess, regardless of the industry in which a candidate works, as most workplaces have potential fire hazards which could pose serious risk if not managed properly.
NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate
The globally recognised NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate is of more importance than ever, with NEBOSH identifying that as many as two-thirds of health and safety practitioners now deal with environmental management. Taking a course to specialise in Environmental Management is therefore a major consideration for many who have passed the General Certificate.
Studied across a 5-day period, the Certificate provides insight into how an organisation’s practices can impact the environment, as well as how to evaluate and assess environmental practices. Those qualified with the Certificate can aid their organisation in avoiding litigation and prosecution due to poor environmental awareness and practices. Consequently, it is ideal for those aiming to work in organisations who must consider Environmental Management, in addition to those who already work in the field, as it can strengthen and build upon prior environmental knowledge.
NEBOSH Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety
Whether on or offshore, the NEBOSH International Certificate in Oil and Gas provides the key knowledge needed for those seeking specialisation in the oil and gas industry. The Certificate supplies key knowledge based upon international best practice, covering hazards, risk management, and both marine and land logistics. When studied in-house the course involves 34 taught hours, though can also be studied through distance learning. Employers within the oil and gas industry find it to be an effective qualification for promoting safe and sustainable practices in the workplace. As such, the accredited qualification is highly desired by organisations operating in the sector, especially those seeking to raise their health and safety standards in order to improve employee safety, placing candidates in great standing should they be working or pursuing a position in the oil and gas industry.
NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Management
Designed to provide the skills needed to assess risks in process management industries such as plastics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Management provides the tools needed to work in any process management industry. The 4-day course was developed by NEBOSH in collaboration with the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), resulting in a rigorous course informed by international practices. Covering the key risks of the process management industry, the course teaches equipment management and maintenance. With these principles of process management, the HSE Certificate in Process Management provides key information that health and safety practitioners require in a variety of fields, qualifying them for a wide range of roles within the process management industry.
Higher Level Courses
By taking a degree-level qualification, candidates can raise their earning potential and promotion prospects by gaining all the knowledge needed to fulfil the role of a health and safety professional. Qualifications of this level are a sign of expertise to all employers and organisations, showing commitment to the industry and illustrating that candidates can effectively minimise risk in the workplace.
IOSH Membership
Membership with IOSH (The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) is a major asset to any individuals looking to further their careers in health and safety. It can be acquired for a reduced cost if you are studying an accredited course such as the NEBOSH Diploma. Membership offers access to the IOSH network of health and safety professionals, allowing candidates to learn from others and share expertise, as well as access training materials and resources.
Should candidates study a degree-level qualification such as the NEBOSH National Diploma or NVQ Level 6, they can become eligible for Graduate Membership with IOSH, entitling them to post nominals after their name. Membership can therefore be a sign of health and safety expertise and facilitates further professional development through the various IOSH benefits.
IOSH is not the only professional body with which membership can be obtained however, as IEMA (the Institute for Environmental Management & Assessment) also offers membership and with it, many benefits. These include access to regular updates on the fields of environmental management and sustainability, as well as access to the IEMA Network of sustainability professionals. IEMA membership can be acquired through studying the IEMA Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management, which is available with Phoenix.
NEBOSH Diploma
As the gold standard for health and safety qualifications, the NEBOSH Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Professionals is available as both a national and international qualification. Acquiring the Diploma can improve promotion prospects and earning potential, as it evidences high level health and safety knowledge via an accredited, globally recognised qualification.
The Diploma provides candidates with the essential skills and knowledge for ensuring legal health and safety requirements are met in the workplace. It covers key health and safety principles, risk management and legislation, as well as numerous other key areas across three taught units. Each is assessed by exams, with virtual revision sessions available for candidates.
Through the Diploma, candidates effectively prepare themselves for a career in health and safety, with content applicable to many sectors and industries. As a result, the Diploma is ideal for those striving for a career in health and safety, opening many avenues of employment and further educational development.
NVQ Level 6
The other degree-level qualification available is the NVQ Level 6. Unlike the NEBOSH Diploma, the NVQ Level 6 is a vocational qualification and therefore is not assessed by exam. Instead, candidates are assessed practically via a portfolio they develop within their workplace, developing evidence for 10 modules of work. Due to this requirement, candidates typically need several years’ experience in their place of work before beginning the qualification.
The NVQ allows candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in health and safety and can be taken anywhere in the world due to the portfolio being submitted electronically. This allows candidates to maintain their positions while working towards a degree-level qualification, making the NVQ Level 6 ideal for those already in health and safety positions wishing to pursue further studies.
Choosing to Further your Knowledge
The choice between specialising with a NEBOSH Certificate or studying a degree-level qualification such as the NVQ Level 6 is a significant one for those looking to further their careers in health and safety. Both offer their own benefits and selecting a course can be challenging. However, by choosing to pursue additional qualifications, candidates demonstrate to current and prospective employers that they are committed to furthering their own knowledge and expertise.
Through these accredited NEBOSH Certificates and degree-level qualifications, candidates prime themselves for a variety of professional health and safety roles such as:
Health and Safety Officer
Health and Safety Advisor
Health and Safety Auditor
Health and Safety Co-ordinator
Health and Safety Executive
Health and Safety Manager
Environment, Health and Safety Manager
If you would like some advice about choosing the right course for you so that you can further your career and qualifications, contact us.
Alternatively, you can explore our NEBOSH courses or find details on the NVQ Level 6 to learn more about which course will be best for you and your career.