Common Health and Safety Myths

Have you heard of stories where children are banned from playing conkers unless they wear goggles, and the workplaces prohibited from putting up Christmas decorations due to the hazardous nature of tinsel? Which of these stories are based on real health and safety fact and which are mere myths?
This may sound a strange question, but myths can be dangerous if they encourage going against or ignoring sound health and safety advice. Basing safety processes on hearsay or the principles of fellow organisations can quickly leave businesses with rules and regulations that hinder the quest for a safe workplace.
In some cases, the biggest health and safety myths have been completely fabricated, though in others they reflect genuine measures put in place by individuals taking things too far, being overly cautious or looking to use health and safety as an excuse for their own separate, hidden agenda.
In reality, there are relatively few specific hard and fast rules when it comes to creating health and safety regulations within public or working spaces, and each organisation should carry out their own informed and educated risk assessments to understand the steps they really need to take. Below, we look at a few of our favourite cases of health and safety procedures being put in the wrong hands:
Microwaves are dangerous
From offices to hospitals, many premises have banned the use of microwaves citing health and safety legislation as the reason why. However, there is no such law prohibiting the use of microwaves in the workplace and either those in charge have been misinformed or are using health and safety as an excuse for other misgivings they have about the use of such appliances.
Hard hats on the high wire
Trapeze artists wearing hard hats? Whilst such protective gear will be perfect for those on a building site, trained professionals swinging through the air with a safety net below are not going to benefit from such headgear in terms of safety, style or balance.
No hot drinks here
Hot drinks have been banned in many different places on health and safety grounds, but one of the best instances was on a public bus. Whilst all organisations are free to have their own rules on hot drinks, blaming it on government guidelines is not only a coward’s way out but also confusing to others creating their own safety policies.
Back out with the Bicycle
Bicycle racks are a common element of commercial areas and provide a convenient place for cyclists to put their vehicles. Foldaway bikes remove the need for these however, as you can carry your bike with you as you shop...or not, apparently. A supermarket recently banned a customer from taking his foldaway bicycle into store, claiming it was due to health and safety concerns. This is clearly a myth, as health and safety at work law does not prohibit taking folding up bicycles into retail premises. It’s refreshing to see those who used ‘elf and safety’ as an excuse to tell their customer ‘on your bike’ back-pedalling, holding their hands up and admitting this was clearly inappropriate.
No Socks for Soft play
Let's be honest, children are not particularly safety conscious, often more concentrated on having fun and sating curiosity than abiding by health and safety rules. While this is true, a child being turned away from a soft play area because they were not wearing socks may seem harsh. The supervisors claimed that not wearing socks went against health and safety regulations, however no such workplace requirements exist. NHS online advice is to cover up warts or veruccas if taking part in communal activities, as this minimises the risk of infections spreading. The company’s wider requirement that all children wear socks might well reflect this public health concern. Although, in this case it would be better to explain the policy and refer to the public health concern rather than to give the impression that there are Health and Safety regulations requiring it. Perhaps the soft play provider could provide socks at a small additional charge for those children who turn up without them to avoid disappointment.
Tequilas minus the salt
If any business serves food and drink there are a myriad of health and safety requirements they need to abide by and be aware of. One bar manager was under the impression that these regulations involved not serving salt and lemon with tequila shots at a nightclub, claiming it was due to health and safety concerns. Though of course there are no workplace health and safety legislation that prohibits the serving of salt and lemon with tequila. This looks like a case of quoting an easy excuse – possibly to cover up poor customer service. The bar should simply serve the drink in the traditional way as requested, and not misuse health and safety legislation in this way.
Yo-Yo No-No
Tales of overprotective schools abound from those that ban certain skirts for being trip hazards to those who demand students wear tie clips to keep them safe. However, one of the most ludicrous seems to be one school that banned yo-yos due to health and safety. Since any toy could cause minor injuries if misused, banning such toys is akin to wrapping every child in bubble wrap just to be on the safe side.
If your business has heard of health and safety policies that seem a bit extreme, we at Phoenix can help you bust those myths. With our focused training courses and expert health & safety consultancy services we can ensure that you only ever implement regulations that truly will make your workspace a safer place.