The Career Welfare Index

The workforce wellbeing landscape has come a long way over the last three decades, with businesses taking stronger measures to support the health & safety of their employees. In more recent years, wellbeing has also become a central topic of discussion as we improve working conditions and mental health awareness.
To better understand which jobs provide the highest level of welfare, we’ve delved into the data to create our ‘Career Welfare Index’. This is designed to provide an outlook on which industries are the best for health & safety, mental health, and overall quality of life.
The index is based on five key data indicators*
Quality of work environment (116,000 respondents)
Percentage of people who love their job (116,000 respondents)
Percentage of people who hate their job(116,000 respondents)
No. of non-fatal injuries (Per capita of 100,000 in each industry)
Median annual earnings per industry